Lose Weight Fast Blogger
I lost weight by changing my mindset.  Sure...it sounds simple enough. But honestly, it's one of the hardest things to do. I had to change my mindset about my top priorities in life. Being so busy writing, acting and being a mom, I always said I didn't have time to work out. I didn't have time to exercise or stand over a hot stove cooking healthy meals. Well...after my grandmother and mother passed, I finally realized that I didn't have time NOTTTTT to do those things.  I realized that if taking care of myself did not become a top priority, my time on this earth would run out sooner than I 
wanted it to, due to health related issues.

So...to loose weight, I started changing my priorities. I made it a point to schedule my exercise. I made up my mind that my workout was important enough to put on my calendar. It was important enough for me to set an alarm so that I'm not sleeping when I am supposed to be working out.  Working out became my first job. Everything else became second priority. I lost weight by changing my mindset about how I look at food. Instead of living to eat, I decided I was going to eat to live.  I
changed my vocabulary. I am a strong believer that our life and circumstances are a direct reflection of the words we speak out of our mouths.  This also rings true when it comes to loosing weight. So...I stopped saying things like "I
love chocolate" or "I have a bad sweet tooth." I stopped saying "I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper." Why? Because as long as I kept speaking those words into the atmosphere, they held power over me. As long as I kept speaking those words into the atmosphere, I was unknowingly impeding my weight loss progress. I was hanging myself with my own words. So what did I do? Whenever I was tempted to say, "I love chocolate," I would say the exact opposite, "I hate chocolate." Instead of saying "I have a bad sweet tooth," I would say "I can't stand sweets." Did saying these words cause me to immediately stop eating and drinking things I knew were bad for me? Absolutely NOT!!! As a matter of fact, sometimes I would be saying "I hate sweets" while at the same time shoving down a twinkie. But each time I heard myself speak those words, I was conditioning my mind to believe them. And if you keep conditioning your mind to believe something, you will eventually start acting on what you believe.

Once you change your mindset about losing weight, half the battle has already been won. So my challenge to you today is to change your mindset. If you change your mindset, you can change your life. It's a process, but I believe in you. If I can do it (and I did) you can do it too! Let's go!!!  Click here for more free weight loss tips & advice.